Fixing Wire Pokes
Why do orthodontic wires feel different after an appointment?
Troubleshooting wire pokes
Example of a wire extending past the bracket .
Why do orthodontic wires feel “pokey”?
Patients can experience what orthodontists refer to as a “wire poke” during treatment. When orthodontic wires are placed at an appointment, they are trimmed flush to the bracket. Dental assistants will ask patients if they feel anything sharp or pokey. The answer is usually no.
A few days after an adjustment appointment, patients will feel the wire poking their cheek and wonder if the dental assistant trimmed it flush enough. The answer is yes, the dental assistant trimmed it flush. If that’s the case, then “why is the wire poking my cheek?”, you may wonder.
After a new wire is placed or adjusted, the wire is actively moving teeth and brackets. At the same time, the wire is moving into different positions. So, a wire that felt flush a few days ago, now feels long or pokey to the touch. This is actually a good thing because it means that progress is being made and the teeth are moving in a positive direction. The bad news is that it can create a wire that feels long or poking.
What to do? The orthodontic goody bag you received when your braces were placed contains packs of wax. Wax is also available at the toothbrushing station in the office. Wax can also be purchased at pharmacy or grocery store’s oral health aisles. A friendly staff member can mail some to you as well. Using a small piece of wax formed in the shape of a snowball can be placed where the wire is poking giving relief to the mouth and soft tissue. This will make you comfortable until you can have it trimmed.
Orthodontic wax can be formed into various sizes and shapes.
Wax placed over wire for immediate comfort.